88. How Diet Culture Is Teaching Your Kids That Eating ”Healthy” and Exercising Is Punishment + The Practical System For Sustainable Healthy Eating - with Kristen Noriega of Baby Weight Nutritionist

Today's conversation is so important about the lessons we are subconsciously teaching our kids by the way we talk and act about the food we eat and the exercise we do. If we act like the food we eat is all either good or bad or something we are forcing ourselves to do... it's not giving our kids the foundation of healthy eating. It's teaching them we punish ourselves and they will want no part of that. 

It's very eye opening to realize all the little ways we are showing our kids how to think about healthy living. Instead of taking yourself through all the latest diet trends, how about a sustainable system for thinking about food and figuring out how to enjoy eating each day? Thankfully Kristen has exactly that for us. Today is full of powerful tips so get ready to write them down!

Today's Guest:

Kristen Noriega is the busy mom’s go-to for simple nutrition, fun workouts, and creating a healthy family culture.

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, she has been working with moms for over seven years. She is a mom of four littles, military spouse, and Catholic-Christian.

You can find Kristen on the Baby Weight Nutritionist Podcast where she drops helpful tips to seamlessly fit fun foods, really good nutrition, and movement that lights you up into the cracks of your day.

Baby Weight Nutritionist IG: https://www.instagram.com/momweightloss.nutritionist/ Web: https://kristennorieganutrition.com Free Starter kit: https://bit.ly/bwstarterkit

With bold love, peace and intention,


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