75. The Simple But Profound Reminder That God Really Is With You In All The Parts Of Your Day - with author Karen Franceschini


Today we have a great reminder from the very sweet author, Karen Franceshini. We talk about the simple message that God is with us. It's something we know but quickly gloss over sometimes without it really sinking in. 

We learn straight from kids the powerful impact to know that God is with us in the boring parts of our day like driving and eating as well as the more emotional times of experiencing loss or even great joy. He is a constant in our life and often an untapped resource. We simply need to recognize he is there... always... and that's a promise. 


Karen Franceshini a mom of 4. She is a preschool teacher with a BA in Psychology and an MA in Child Development. She is the author of the book I Promise To Always Be With You.

Purchase the book (perfect gift!) on Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Follow her on Instagram and Facebook.


With bold love, peace and intention,


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