49. Could Anxiety or ADHD Be The Reason You’re Struggling With Productivity? -with Cheska Nicole of Do I Have ADHD
We're talking about an important subject today - anxiety. It could also be ADHD or other neurodivergences that are messing up your daily routines. When you struggle with something like anxiety, it really impacts your perspective and ability to create the intentional life you want. You may not be as productive because your anxiety is winning and you don't even realize it.
Today's guest, Cheska, helps define what anxiety and ADHD can look like in your everyday motherhood and how we can change our perspective to work through it more effectively.
Cheska is a Mental Health Advocate and host of the podcast Do I Have ADHD? She’s on a mission to guide and encourage squirrelly brains from feeling unequipped and overwhelmed to capable through self-compassion, perspective shifts, and God’s grace. Cheska has spent almost a decade working in special education and navigating her own ADHD. She’s a mom, wife, speaker, and coach who loves sharing unique approaches to daily struggles for people of all ages with neurodivergent brains.
Check her out:
Podcast - Do I Have ADHD? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/do-i-have-adhd-systems-strategies-tips-and-hacks-that/id1632819524
Instagram: www.instagram.com/createdbycheska
With bold love, peace and intention,
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