22. What Are Spiritual Gifts and What Do You Do With Them? -with Shelby Hohsfield of Finding Faith Above



Spiritual gifts are often overlooked because we're not sure what they are or what we do with them. It's worth the time to find out friends and we make it easy for you today.

Although I've known about spiritual gifts for a long time and even taken a class to identify mine; it wasn't until recently that I put all the pieces together and got so much breakthrough. I finally understand how they work together and pair with my personality and it all makes sense. Where I would get a bit lost in my purpose, it was like the puzzle pieces slipped in and I could see the bigger picture.


Our guest today helps us understand what the gifts are, why we have them and how we use them!


Shelby Hohsfield is a podcaster, artist, motivational speaker and unstoppable enthusiast of living out God's purpose after religion. Her faith journey has been a winding road, from praying to God as an eight year old for truth, leaving the mormon church at 18, walking without God, getting curious, making so many mistakes, and finally finding the true love of our Amazing Creator. Shelby helps ladies who find themselves lost after leaving religion learn to pray, find truth and gain trust in the Lord.


Check her out! Apple Podcast- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/finding-faith-above-how-to-pray-is-god-truth-is-the/id1579136621 Website- https://findingfaithabove.com Contact- hello@findingfaithabove.com  IG- https://www.instagram.com/shelby.hohsfield @shelby.Hohsfield and @findingfaithabove Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/findingfaithabove Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion

With bold love, peace and intention,


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