205. It's Impossible To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed - Truth Bomb

Get Your Motherhood Cheat Sheets:  4 Cheat Sheets Every Mom Needs To Stress Less And Enjoy Motherhood More: Conquer Clutter, Master Time, Set Boundaries & Simplify Dinner!  www.mommadeplans.com/cheatsheets --- Getting real today with this idea of getting out of overwhelm... it's just not possible to have no overwhelm in motherhood. There are way too many balls we are juggling to stay on top of organizing our home, parenting, schedules, appointments, dinner, work and more. So how do we expect to get out of overwhelm? Is that really the end goal we think we are going to reach? I'm here to share that's not it and what I believe the true goal is in order for us to feel less stressed out. We are going to reduce overwhelm but it's never going to be completely out of the picture. So join me in this chat to see what to focus on instead...  


Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional productivity guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/club Earring Personality Quiz For Moms: What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quizwww.mommadeplans.com/stylequiz Where To Start Quiz: -Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz


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