139. 5 Self Awareness Questions To Ask Yourself In Order To Be More Productive

Today you uncover your productivity personality by asking yourself 5 simple questions. If you've struggled to find the right daily routine or schedule that allows you to get everything done, then this episode is definitely for you. 

Don't forget to head over to www.mommadeplans.com/1step to get the hack to finally get ahead on "all the things"! After 14 minutes you can have the tool to no longer be known for rushing and being last minute.

Here's a quick highlight of what we go over today 1. We explore your preference on similar daily routines vs when you crave variety in your days.

2. What you do when you're procrastinator...

3. Ways to stop running late all the trime.

4. Figuring out what to spend your time on by understanding your regrets.

5. Exploring ways to get accountability in the every day parts of motherhood

Let's dive into some self awareness and get you a productivity boost!


With bold love, peace and intention,




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