138. The Unexpected Tradeoff With Becoming Efficient + Prioritizing Simple Habits with Julie Lowe - part 2
Today continues into Part 2 of the conversation with Julie Lowe. We move from how to handle stress to dealing with one of the it's big contributors which is trying to get everything done each day. However, as we go on the journey to become more productive and super efficient, we don't end up spending our time the way we thought. Our need to always get more done takes over and we talk about what gets sacrificed...
Some of my favorite one-liners from her today that you may need to write down:
"We're becoming more efficient in burning ourselves out"
"Can't hustle our way to enoughness"
Stick in till the end for today's takeaway...
Julie Lowe is a Certified High Performance Coach, Author and Speaker. She helps ambitious entrepreneurs and professionals develop high-performance habits before they burn out or burn it all down. READ CHAPTER 1 of her new book coming out in October - A Few Good Habits: https://coachjulielowe.com/books/ www.coachjulielowe.com facebook.com/coachjulielowe instagram.com/coachjulielowe With bold love, peace and intention, Julie **Take the Meal Planner Personality Quiz!**
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