121. How To Handle Challenging Behaviors And Big Emotions In Our Kids - with Anya Dunham PhD
We always want to know ways to be a better parent for our kids, right? Well there's so much to learn in all the current trendy topics of gentle parenting and realizing we have a lot to unlearn as well.
That's the journey I'm on and bringing you the science behind understanding the brain and emotional development of our kids. That's how we can better empathize and parent them when we understand what they're literally capable of and what their true needs are behind those behavior outbursts.
I've really been needing help figuring out how we go from naming our kids emotions with them to actually correcting the behavior we don't want. Today's guest, Anya, is here to help us do that! A quick highlight of our conversation:
1. All emotions are ok just not all behaviors - Instead of rushing to stop the behavior pause and think about what is my child really telling me through their behavior?
2. Consider the 3 reasons for challenging behaviors: developmental stage, difficult conditions and figuring out boundaries
3. How to create patterns/routines to facilitate safe boundaries that reduce unwanted behavior
4. Boundaries are not punishments. It's literally what the child needs at that stage to learn physical and relational limits
Anya Dunham is a research scientist and a mom of three young children. She has a PhD in Biology and studies ecology: the ways living things relate to one another and interact with their environment. One of her strengths, in work and in life, is connecting seemingly unconnected pieces of knowledge. In her award-winning book, Baby Ecology, she looks at child development research through the lens of her scientific field to help parents create the most nurturing environment for their babies.
Website: https://kidecology.com Facebook (Anya Dunham - KidEcology): https://www.facebook.com/Anya-Dunham-KidEcology-110566304832115 Instagram (anya_kidecology): https://www.instagram.com/anya_kidecology/ Baby Ecology book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/177780440X ÂWhat did she say?! Here’s the links to what I mentioned today:
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With bold love, peace and intention,
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