113. What I Regret As A Mom

I'm sharing a few regrets with you today. We know mom guilt is all too real. So let's have a quick chat about some things you may have in common with me. And some shifts to avoid the regrets.

Here's a highlight: 1. First year of life - stop the pressure and enjoy more. 2. Stop reading/listening to mom advice when it starts making you feel like a bad mom 3. Multi-tasking motherhood and work doesn't often work 4. More quality time with kids 5. Overall theme of enjoying more in motherhood


Let's be intentional in our motherhood and pay attention to when we need to make shifts before things turn into regrets. You're doing great mom, we can do this!


With bold love, peace and intention,



Freebie: 5 ways to be more productive as a mom! https://tinyurl.com/5waystobeproductive

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What did she say?! Here’s the links to what I mentioned today:

I Am Mom conference - https://iam-mom.life/

Register today to get access to this live event 5/15 & 16th 2023!

Connect with Me Website > www.mommadeplans.com Productivity Printables > https://tinyurl.com/papermadeplans Instagram >  https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/ Email >  julie@papermadeplans.com Email List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail

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