111. The Necessary Foundation To Raise Confident Kids - Part 2 with Nellie Harden

We all want our kids to be confident and sure of themselves as they grow and interact more and more with this world. Today we learn the vital foundation we need to build with our kids in order for them to achieve confidence. Here's a rundown of the highlights in part 2 of today's conversation with Nellie Harden of The 6570 Family Project:


  • 4 biggest influences on a person - body, psychology, faith, culture

  • Rest enables you to pursue purpose

  • 3 tier foundation towards confidence 1. worth (seen, heard, loved, to belong, to have purpose) 2. esteem (value and appreciate yourself) 3. confidence

  • Importance of boundaries and vulnerability with your kids as they watch and learn from you


Nellie is a Family Life & Leadership Coach who focuses on helping parents love & lead their their teen/tween daughters in a way that teaches them to love & lead themselves while building a strong foundation of worth, esteem & confidence all before they leave home!


It's so easy to slip into survival mode, feel lost & just try to check the boxes of parenthood & childhood instead of leaning in & finding your unique path to thrive through this 6570 day training ground of your child's life.


In The 6570 Family Project, Nellie helps you lead her to a place where she trusts herself, stays aligned in her values and trades chasing worth for standing in her confidence every day in order to face joys and obstacles and become the leader of her own life!


A wife, mom to 4 teen daughters, author, speaker, podcaster, retired homeschooling parent and adventure chaser. Nellie gets it and delivers her passion and strategy weekly! "The best way to change the world is through one living room at a time".


Website- https://www.nellieharden.com

5 Things Your Daughter Needs- https://www.nellieharden.com/5needs

Daughter Decoder- https://www.nellieharden.com/daughterdecoder

Podcast- https://www.nellieharden.com/podcast

Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/the6570project

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/nellieharden/

YouTube- https://www.nellieharden.com/


With bold love, peace and intention,



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