109. How To Organize Toys So You’re Not Spending All Your Time Picking Them Up

Do you feel like you're picking up toys all day? Your kid is always dumping them all over the floor and never putting them away in the right place?

I've got all the practical strategies for you today to deal with the chaos of toys! Here's a highlight of the main points:

1. Always start with decluttering before organizing (no point in organizing what you don't need to keep, not a fan of wasting time around here!)

2. Sort everything into categories... but not too specific

3. The key to organizing is the type of bin you use

4. A list of helpful organizing ideas with a reminder that it has to function for your kid (not you) and not just pick something because it looks cool


Ok- it's time to email or dm me your favorite tip or share yours so I can help spread the word to help more moms!

Instagram >  https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/ Email >  julie@papermadeplans.com


What did she say?! Here’s the links to what I mentioned today:

More in depth kids room decluttering: 57. Kids Room Declutter - The Power of The Category System - -Declutter Series


With bold love, peace and intention,



Freebie: 5 ways to be more productive as a mom! https://tinyurl.com/5waystobeproductive

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