107. How To Talk To Your Kids About Money In A Positive Way + Preparing To Pay For College Even When Your Kids Are Little - with Kara Walker of Money and Mental Peace Podcast

Don't be scared...we're talking about money today. It is such an incredibly insightful and eye opening conversation that helps us have a better perspective on how we treat our money. It's important to think through some of these things so that we can teach our kids about money in a positive way -  they learn from us!

Today is packed with helpful tips on managing money, showing our kids how to think about money, and how to pay for college without debt. 

Our guest today:

Kara Walker graduated from college debt-free, and is now on a quest to help other students do the same with her podcast, "Money and Mental Peace," and her online course "The Debt-Free College Blueprint"! She is a twenty-something Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and recovering over-achiever. Kara enjoys goal-setting, budgeting, and living a debt-free lifestyle, and wants to help YOU do the same!

Connect with her:

Podcast: Money and Mental Peace - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/money-and-mental-peace-scholarships-student-loans/id1602608122

Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community ~ Scholarships

With bold love, peace and intention,



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What did she say?! Here’s the links to what I mentioned today:

Signup for a 15 minute mom chat to get a quick strategy on how to prioritize your time so you're focusing on what's more important. Give yourself a break from constantly stressing and beating yourself up that you can't get it all done. https://calendly.com/mommadeplans/mom-chat

Connect with Me Website > www.mommadeplans.com Productivity Printables > https://tinyurl.com/papermadeplans Instagram >  https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/ Email >  julie@papermadeplans.com Email List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail

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