106. What Happens Between The Tomb and The Resurrection - Wisdom From Daniel 3 To Have Unwavering Faith Even In The Trenches Of Life

It's Monday, are you still rejoicing that Jesus lives?! It's easy to celebrate Easter when the church is full and everyone is excited in the moment. Last year when I drove past the church parking lot and it was empty after Easter service, I was convicted that it's easy to lose the enthusiasm when no one else is around.

I'm sharing the convictions God revealed to me that day. The power in the waiting between the tomb and the resurrection. The journey that our faith requires like literally walking into the fire. There's much to be learned and much to be encouraged by.

May you walk away from today's episode with a little conviction to continue rejoicing on this Easter Monday and with encouragement in how to grow your faith to get through seasons of waiting and just the everyday hard times. 

With bold love, peace and intention,



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